
Why would I leave Islam?

Islam is so hard.  Islam requires that we be conscious human beings, aware of our surroundings, aware of wasting food, aware of how we deal with the opposite sex, aware of how we behave in business, aware of what we expose our kids to, aware of our environment, aware of how the less fortunate are abused, aware of ourselves, aware of our duty to Allah, aware of the fact that life is short and there’s this big huge thing called Judgment Day.  And sometimes it gets to be overwhelming and I feel like I’ll never measure up and I can’t do this and I’m failing and why the hell should I keep trying because I’m tired and I just want to be an unconscious not-thinking-about-the-afterlife-all-the-time normal person.  And dammit I just want to go to Burger King and order a bacon cheeseburger and eat it and enjoy it.

So, yeah, I’ve wondered what it would be like to not be Muslim anymore.

sabr in islam

Sabr! Surely, Allah is with those who are patient. 2:153

What calls for sabr? Situations when we’re hopeless and sad about some calamity, failure, shock, loss of someone or something, uncertainty, emotional or mental weakness, or similar distress. The Messenger of Allaah sal-Allaahu alaihi wasallam said, “Allaah Tabaaraka wa Ta’alaa says: O son of Adam! If you remained patient restraining yourself and expecting my reward …

Sabr! Surely, Allah is with those who are patient. 2:153 Read More »

An Open Letter to “I”SIS

Dear ISIS, you are fuelling the Islamophobia industry. That’s right, the hideous things you do in the name of Islam without the consent of Islam, are giving these wretched people a reason to making people hate Muslims world-wide

Disintegration of Muslim Societies: Unity is the Need of the Hour

Yun To Syed Bhi Ho, Mirza Bhi Ho, Afghan Bhi Ho Tum Sabhi Kuch Ho, Batao To Musalman Bhi Ho! These lines of Allama Iqbal are invigorating enough to rock the foundations of uncorroborated casteism and naive sectarianism prevalent among the Muslims. According to Allama, “Islam is non-territorial in character”. The very principle of unshakeable …

Disintegration of Muslim Societies: Unity is the Need of the Hour Read More »

Assalaamu alaikum | Things Muslims Say | Food for the Soul

Bismillahir rahmanir raheem Asalaamu alaikum, This is the first part of the #ThingsMuslimsSay series in an effort to dig deeper into the phrases we use everyday to put meaining back into them in sha Allah. I always start my blog posts with the “basmallah” and go on to great my readers with the salaam. The …

Assalaamu alaikum | Things Muslims Say | Food for the Soul Read More »

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