
The Legacy of the Prophet (Part 3) – Safeguarding Allah’s Commands

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem In Part 2 (Safeguarding Allah) we explained what Safeguarding Allah means and mentioned safeguarding the commands of Allah. In this part we will give a brief of those commands and how by safeguarding them you can come under the purview of the words of the Hadith – “Safeguard Allah and He will safeguard you” …

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The Legacy of the Prophet – Part 1: Introduction

‘Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem’ About this Series This Series is an adoption of a book named “The Legacy of the Prophet” by Hafiz Abu’l-Faraj ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali and we are simply republishing his work in a short and easy manner for beginners without going deep into detail. About the Author Ibn Rajab was born in Baghdad …

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Why would I leave Islam?

Islam is so hard.  Islam requires that we be conscious human beings, aware of our surroundings, aware of wasting food, aware of how we deal with the opposite sex, aware of how we behave in business, aware of what we expose our kids to, aware of our environment, aware of how the less fortunate are abused, aware of ourselves, aware of our duty to Allah, aware of the fact that life is short and there’s this big huge thing called Judgment Day.  And sometimes it gets to be overwhelming and I feel like I’ll never measure up and I can’t do this and I’m failing and why the hell should I keep trying because I’m tired and I just want to be an unconscious not-thinking-about-the-afterlife-all-the-time normal person.  And dammit I just want to go to Burger King and order a bacon cheeseburger and eat it and enjoy it.

So, yeah, I’ve wondered what it would be like to not be Muslim anymore.

5 Ways to Stop Being Judgmental

Be a supportive friend. Be an encouraging counselor. Be a shoulder to cry and lean on. Your awesome love for Islam and “Muslimness” will be communicated simply through your actions of being there for others in an uplifting, genuine way. If applicable, when someone is ready, that person will ask you about Islam and seek your help in becoming the best Muslim they can be, God willing. Or perhaps they’ll be more open to listening to your sincere, gentle advice on something you’re truly concerned about because of your love for them.

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